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Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So I've got a lot of work to do. It's actually not even close to being funny how much stuff needs to be done before Friday but I need a minute to collect my thoughts and I figured I haven't posted in easily two weeks, so I'll collect here with you all.

I've got two essays to finish up by Friday at 3. Sheesh. School is lame.
St. Patrick's Day today. I don't have time to give the day it's due diligence but we're going to have a drink somewhere tonight because I do need a drink after the past four days I've had. I had writing constipation and couldn't get my history essay to come out. It was like trying to pull an elephant with floss. I've gotten most of the work done but I had to stop or else I would start stalking the halls with a sawed off shotgun. Luckily, my friend told me to just take a step back and come back to it later. So that's what I'm doing.

Other than that, on Friday I'm heading into Manchester to spend the weekend with Danielle. Her boyfriend is flying out to China that day and then her mom is flying in on the Sunday so she decided to spend the weekend in Manchester to collect her mom and I'm tagging along so she isn't alone. We're actually spending a day in York which should be really nice. I'm looking forward to just doing nothing. The weather is finally starting to feel like something other than shit winter. It's 50 degrees today! The sun is actually hanging around and isn't getting muscled out by clouds.

After this weekend there will only be one week until Dave comes and we jet set out to Italy! I'm so excited to have him here. I can't even say. And in Italy no less. I'm not even worried about the flight (though that could be due to the fact that I don't have the brain capacity to worry about my essays AND a flight over a week away). But still, I'm taking it as a good sign. I've decided I'll have next week to worry about class work for the summer term (I've got an essay due the first week back) and then I'll be carefree with Dave for two weeks before coming back and having a serious sit down with some Modernist literature.

Anyway, I've got to get back to work (even if my head is threatening to explode). I miss you all so much. I didn't realize it until people's friends and family started to show up (Danielle's boyfriend's here and Alyssa's sister is coming soon).

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