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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stop Shoulding On Yourself!

So I'm bad at timely blogging. If you've ever read my blogs or met me, you should not be surprised. I am trying though. Okay, so I did forget about restarting my blog and spent the last couple of weeks just going from one thing to the next, always taking a little too long with whatever leisure time I do have.

I really wonder if this "time management" thing will ever pan out for me.

My brain always seems to be hurting lately. I spend my time thinking and trying to do what I need to for class to be a successful student. It's just so hard to be present in the here and now when I'm always about fifteen steps ahead, thinking about the future: my spring break plans have been planned for nearly three weeks. Sure, some things need to be done in advance; planning for any trip or a move for example. I usually plan lots of things in advance. I'm so busy planning and thinking that the actual doing doesn't happen in the planned time frame.

I was talking to Reid (my wonderful therapist) and he told me to "stop shoulding on yourself." Basically he means what he said. I keep thinking about how things should be. It is holding me back in being here, right now. I'm too distracted by how I think things need to be or how they were supposed to be.

Okay, lamest ending ever but I have so much to do I really can't finish cleanly. So, until next time.

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