If you haven't already gathered this, you must not be paying attention: I am not that good at timely blogging. In my defense, I do not have internet at my home so it's a little tricky logging on here to blog.
As such I have a lot to update on. And given the time and my current lifestyle, it will be given in easy to read bullets (meaning it's getting late and due to the lack of internet I am at a friend's so I need to hurry up so I can finish this and get home to bed).
1) I got a new job.
I was hired on at Shelter Insurance as a Return Payment Processor. Basically, if someone's payment is denied by their bank, I get to cancel their policy (provided the state law and specific circumstance require a cancellation to take place). I cannot tell you how much I really, really like my job. I've only been there for a month and some change so I can't really jump to "love" yet but gosh dang I'm real close. Everyone has been so incredibly nice and welcoming. It's crazy to me how comfortable I am there. How it doesn't really feel like a stretch to say that I could work for this company for the rest of my life. I actually had a dream a few weeks ago (yes, weeks ago) about coming into work (after finding a husband of course) and telling everyone that I was going to have a baby. And they all congratulated me and threw me a baby shower. That dream freaked me out a little for two reasons: 1) why am I thinking about having babies? 2)a few weeks in and I'm already thinking about these people like close friends/family. I think it's great, don't get me wrong, it's just all so...grown up. I don't know how to express that sentiment without feeling like a nerd but seriously. I just graduated college...I didn't really expect to find something like this so soon. I'm so incredibly glad that I did but it's just unexpected.
2)I'm making real adult plans.
This just means that I'm considering buying a new car and I'm starting to get serious about paying my student loans off. I work for an insurance company so I'm constantly thinking about insurance. I have life and health insurance through my job. I"m about to switch my renter's insurance to Shelter and I"m going to get my very own auto insurance (my mom has been generously paying for it while I've been in college....well basically the entire time I've been driving. She said it's the least she could do since she couldn't help me pay for college, a sentiment I've never fully understood because she gave me life, the least I could do was pay for some of the cost required for my future) I'm also considering buying a bike (which is the real first consideration, prior to new car) because my job is literally right next to my home. I can save on gas money if I just stopped being so damn lazy.
3)My friends are graduating.
This is both exciting and kind of depressing. I'm totally excited for my friends to be done with college. I remember what those last few days were like. It was like the final push to this thing that seemed at times would never end. But there it was, the end of going to class, the end of homework, the end of papers. It was exciting. It was terrifying (but that feeling really only manifested itself two months later when my Portland plans totally started falling apart). It's depressing because some of my friends are moving away. My best friend is moving back to Chicago and then to grad school in Michigan. I'm so happy for her to be going on to do bigger and better things with her degree (because my degree is really just a title, like the Queen of England, move of a figurehead than anything else...couldn't even tell you where my actual physical diploma is right now...) but I'm also sad because I really couldn't say when I'll see her next. At the same time I know that it's not in my nature to walk away from my very good friends. I still make an effort to see Danielle and she lives in Florida.
Alas, it is still a nice time to be in Columbia. Graduation almost always makes my heart swell and my eyes well with tears; it's an inspiring time when the whole world seems open with possibilities.
So yea...that's all I've got for now. I'm tired and I've got work tomorrow. Happy Cinco de Mayo. Celebrate. Be Mexican.
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