Here are a few pictures:
This is the castle! that is in Lancaster. It's currently used as a prison. A low security prison, don't worry.
This is a statue that was donated by...I can't remember who but it's of Queen Elizabeth. There are a bunch of famous Brits around the base, like Charles Darwin, etc.
This is the oldest building in Lancaster. I can't remember how old it is now.
My new Lancaster University hoodie. I love it; although it does smell vaguely of mustard...
The British flag on top of the City Hall. Expecting to see an American one?
Some British money. From left to right, top to bottom row: Two pounds, one pound, fifty pence, twenty pence, ten pence, five pence, two pence (Remember "tuppence" from Mary Poppins?), one penny. It's weird that one pound and two pounds are change. When I get change back I always think I'm getting gipped.
Here is a ten pound note. It's bigger than an American dollar. The smallest note is five pounds.
Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!!!
This is unreal.
: )
David told me about your blog. I look forward to reading how your trip is going. Be sure to check out a good rugby game when you can. Angie
Speaking of burnt toast, I just burned my tortilla on the comal this morning! One whole side is totally black. I still ate it. If you're not paying attention, you can give away your pounds instead of your tuppence!;)
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