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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It smells like sheep here.
....Yes, sheep. I dont' know why exactly though I did see some sheep in a field on the drive up to the campus. Either way, it didn't seem like there was enough sheep to make it smell like sheep all over the place.
It's not terrible. In fact, the smell is gone today because it's rainy. And cold....but hey, it's England, I was expecting as much.
This is such a weird place. I mean, last night it rained and snowed at the same time but the grass is still a vibrant green. And there's sheep. Outside. Just chilling (literally and figuratively I suppose).
Still no proper internet. The temporary username I have obtained does not work for the internet at my room (whoa, I almost wrote home. Geh) so I can't put up the fun stuff I have promised. At least not yet. I can't because all the fun stuff is on my laptop but I can't access the internet from it. Don't worry though; I'll get my official username on Friday once I officially get registered for classes.
It has become very clear to me that I didn't bring enough of anything. Except maybe socks and underwear. But I suppose I did that subconsciously so I won't feel guilty shopping. However, feeling guilty/bad once I've spent all my money won't make it come back so I've really got to budget once things are all figured out. I'm not too worried about that. I'll figure that all out soon.
It's weird (and also wonderful) the way people are calling me "love" and saying things that I understand but still find completely intriguing. People aren't "named" things, they are "called" things.
There is a porter for my college (I think his name is John) who is very nice. I overheard him telling another girl that "things would be alright." He is very helpful and understanding (as far as I can tell anyway). In our orientation today, we were encouraged to get to know our porters (there is one on duty 24/7 during term) and that we can just "pop down" to talk over a "cup of tea." It all sounds enchanting when I write it that way huh? :D
Anyway, I did have a bit of a downer moment last night at 2 in the morning. I was cold and I suddenly felt like a complete fool for leaving home. I wished my family would be around when I woke up but I knew that wouldn't happen. I cried for a while then went back to bed. Today has been better. I met a girl that I have gotten to know a little bit. She is very nice and we've planned on going into town together tomorrow (with a tour group of other internation students). We also talked about going to London. We both want to go but not alone.
I better get off here before I'm kicked off the computer (it's a timed thing-I've been kicked off once already). More later.

1 comment:

the old irish rose said...

Oh, love! I'm so happy for you! I hope you know that I'm living vicariously through you. Tuesday morning when I was getting ready for work it suddenly hit me that you were really in England. It was such a bizarre feeling. But then I put myself there too and it was cool. : ) And, yeah know, there are going to be times when you feel lonely or foolish. Hell, I feel like that here in Columbia sometimes so I can understand you'd feel like that overseas. Just go with it because it will pass. All things pass. : ) I love you! Can't wait to hear more!