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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holidays, Birthdays, and Unexpected Phone Calls

Happy Christmas! (as they say in England)
I had a lovely Christmas with my family. It was pretty sparse as far as presents go because everyone is in financial distress. But my family pulled together money to buy me a new camera and new luggage.
I spent the day holding back tears. It was weird. I was making cookies while my nieces opened their presents. They were so happy and excited. I guess I realized how much I would miss them. I asked for and stole as many hugs as I could from them after that. They didn't seem bothered by it at all. I hugged my sister and probably held on for four seconds too long but she didn't mind either. I high fived my brother even more than usual just so I could hold his hand for that half a second following the high five. My mom told me that she would miss me and asked me what she was going to do while I was gone.
It's weird but I'm sitting here describing my Christmas like I'm about to die and this was the last Christmas I would have. I don't feel like that at all. I just know I'm going to miss my family. Christmas is such a weird time anyway.
It's my best friend's birthday today and my brother's tomorrow. I love my brother so much. I enjoy his company even if we're doing nothing.
I miss spending time just me, my sister, and my brother. It's hard to get us all together because my sister has my nieces. I'm usually the first choice to watch them if she wants to do something. As it is, we're going to dinner for my brother's birthday and she's not going. It makes me sad.
I know I can't fix everything, or anything for that matter, but I do wish that I wasn't leaving at a time when things seem so bleak for everyone here. I wish I could shoulder some of the burden.
At work on Monday, everyone I saw asked me if I was excited to leave. I said yes but it wasn't very enthusiastic. The truth is I'm just glad to be home. I'm doing my best to enjoy it all but I'm so busy with everything. I still need to go to my bank and get British pounds (those crazy Brits).

I'm a downer, I know it. But today was amazing. Jacquie called me. We talked for over an hour. I miss her. It was nice to actually talk to her and hear her voice.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Dear Sam, dear DEAR Samantha. You are such a joy to know. Those English people don't have the faintest idea how lucky they are. And I'm the lucky one that gets to call you my daughter! I'm sorry that we made you cry. (The luggage was Juan's idea.) She's so thoughtful. I'm sitting here - wishing I were sitting there - next to you. But as your brother said you need to do this on your own. You will have a fabulous time in good 'ol England. I know you will because you are the "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade" type, even if you don't like lemonade! So good luck in the days ahead getting to know the campus and your dorm-mates.
Love and miss you, Mom
P.S. Susie's looking lost or like she's not sure WHERE to sleep tonight. And Max keeps jumping on her. He's been downstairs more than up for the last four hours. (That little punk.) Oh! Did I say that out loud? I meant to say, That little rascal. (hee hee.)
P.S.S. Finally finished putting away the Christmas tree and everything else Christmas-y. Took awhile cause Aunt Darlina called while I was doing it and so did my friend, Nena. In other words, I took too many breaks. Take care, baby. I hope you slept on the plane (but something tells me you didn't.) Love you, sweetie.